Sunday 20 November 2016

OUGD601 - Context of Practice 3: Screen-printing Development (1)

Historically, art was inseparable from ‘authority’ associated with the places of its production. 
On May 14th,1968,  students started visualising their rebellion by creating images of counterculture that challenged the government. 
Using a distinctive style that is still used today in political demonstrations; students created hand rendered, screen printed images with anti-capitalist slogans that represented their political stance.
Similar to how punk challenged people’s value systems through using recycled, cheap materials to produce ‘art’, the medium of screen printing paved the way for new voices in society
For my final outcome, I will be using screen printing as it is a medium of rebellion that was used by students to express their opinion. Screen-printing enables to the typography used to have more meaning. Now that words and images are used more frequently in the post-modern era, we forget the important behind the meaning (signified and signifier)  of the word. This links to Barbara Kruger who used slogans and phrases within Selfridges to make the consumer more aware about 

The signifier, here is the message and meaning within the graphics (the sound-image) and the signified (the concept it represents) is fashion and rebellion.  

Similar to how punk challenged people’s value systems through using recycled, cheap materials to produce ‘art’, the medium of screen printing paved the way for new voices in society.

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