Friday 1 April 2016

OUGD501 - Final Products

My final digital version of my final outcome. I developed it even further to my initial developments page. I made the text a lot more eye catching by making the text bigger as well as expanding the speech marks. I decided to make the word 'fini' in capitals to outline the importance of how we are too involved with technology today. 

I am very satisfied with my final outcomes because I created a variety of different posters on different stock and related it back to my essay. The choice of colour is chosen as consumers are wanting companies  to 'go green'. This could be considered a rebellion therefore, I have added a strong vibrant green to go with the posters.  The posters itself are very minimalistic, however I have tried to relate my posters to May 1968 posters and therefore gone for a more typography based poster with little illustations to support the posters. 

I have created several screen prints using various different stock paper. At first I originally planned to keep them all the same size however, after producing them I liked the variety of different sizes on each different paper. I am very satisfied with my final outcomes as they relate back to my essay and have produced a clear message. If I had more time I wish I could have experimented more with different printing methods. I wish I could have experimented with a similar message using laser cutting and wood blocks. 

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