Tuesday 5 May 2015

Initial Ideas

This was a very hard starting point for me. I really struggled with coming up with a concept that wasn’t digital. I really struggle drawing sketches of people and this is a brief that I wanted to focus on people and equality. I really wanted to use photographs of existing celebrities in order to maintain the same concept as HeForShe using celebrities to endorse gender equality. 

Throughout my initial ideas I wanted to use people in various ways to try send a message. My first initial idea was to create a cartoon caricature however, I decided to go against that idea because it could be seen silly and could be seen as a joke rather than something serious. 

I wanted to create something that used iconic celebrities that are not seen as role models for young teenagers. I want my posters to be inspiration quotes that people can read and follow. 

In general this was the hardest stage for me because I struggled with ideas and my sketches were hard to understand without going on the computer. 

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