Monday, 1 February 2016

OUGD501 - Practical - May 1968 Rebellion research

My essay focuses on May 1968 as this is an important time in history where students rebelled against universities. This was an era in France where there were general strikes as well as the occupation of universities. After a conflict between students and the Paris University at Nanterre the students decided enough was enough. Students met up together to protest against the closure and expulsion of students at Nanterre. Students decided to create posters to create a message of their expressions and how they felt. They would then put up barricades which the police attacked and the students rebelled. The students would throw rocks and any objects that they could find to throw at the police. 

May 14th. Started to make revolutionary images around France for the people in university. The student were standing up for what they believed in. Students  Visually communicated a revolution. Catalysed by student action at the Sorbonne, which were occupied and declared as an autonomous people’s university “open day and night, at all times, to all workers”. This revolution led to the french saying 'Egalite! Liberte! Sexualite'. The students rebelled for education for everyone as well as student wages. 

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