Monday 1 February 2016

OUGD501 - Initial Ideas

For my initial ideas, I did struggle to come up with various concepts however, I was pretty set on an idea that I had for my essay from the start. After becoming really interested in the May 1968 rebellion I wanted to create something similar so that it can relate back to my essay. Something that I believe in is that technology is advancing too quickly and people are forgetting how to communicate with one another. Therefore, for my practical I want to go against technology in a May 1968 student rebellion poster style. As I am going to learn about different rebellions throughout my essay I would like to take all the positives from these rebellions and use it within my practical.  I started by drawing a mind map to help me generate a few ideas that I could possibly have, however, after discussing this with my teachers and peers I was advised to stick to my original idea.

I then started by designing a few ideas on paper which was led from my research (first image on the right). The ideas were quickly drawn together to start piecing together an idea of what the posters might look like. 

 After looking at Dotmaster and Banksy I decided to create something that was more interactive for the viewer and made you more alert. By seeing a poster like this you instantly become aware that it is someone hanging and hopefully that would make you stop and think. I wanted the man to be hanging away from the piece of paper to signify the importance of the message. 

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