- Explain the concept of rebellion
o Use a general example to visualise
- How does graphic design fit into rebellion
o Examples of how it would fit it
- Organisational sentence
o Paragraph 1 point: how rebellion lead to the development of historic imagery.
o Paragraph 2 point: how rebellion influences maintstream culture
o Paragraph 3 point
- Thesis
o What am I trying to say
Paragraph 1
- Paris May, 1968
- A volatile period of revolutionary civir unrest
- General Strikes and occupations of factories and universities
- Spontaneous and wildcat
- Catalysed by student action at the Sorbonne, which was occupied and declared as an autonomous people’s university “open day and night, at all times, to all workers”.
- Anti- authoritarian and radical against disciplinary specialization and ‘education as initiationw’
- Egalite! Liberte! Sexualite
- Education for all and even student wages.
- How does it impact/relate to graphic design.
- May 14th. Started to make revolutionary images around France for the people in university.
Paragraph 2: advertising and consumerism – the rebellion against ...
o Who are they and what they do.
o Examples of their work
o How do they relate to rebellion
o How their work is changing how we think about graphic design and advertising.
• Diesel Stupid
• Look at other adverts that mock themselves/others.
- Dotmaster
- Banksy
Paragraph 3
- The rebellion against technology.
- Sustainability in design
- Consciousness
- Does rebellion work?